| Most Rev. Gregory L. Parkes Bishop of St. Petersburg

In Thanksgiving for Your Stewardship

“You are being enriched in every way for all generosity, which through us produces thanksgiving to God.”

- 2 Corinthians 9:11

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Thank you for the many ways each of you share your gifts with our brothers and sisters in Christ. The generosity that you have shown through your support of our ministry and services here in the Diocese of St. Petersburg has enriched lives, served thousands, and truly helped bring others into relationship with Christ.

As a commitment to accountability and transparency, and in thanksgiving for your stewardship, we have prepared this annual report for 2021.

It includes the 2020-2021 Pastoral Center Summary of Operations. It also features the impact of those who serve with me here at the Pastoral Center and throughout our five-county area, along with special recognition of the members of our Mater Dei Giving Society.

We have some big changes coming in 2022, but I know with the dedication and support of our people, and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will successfully fulfill our mission to courageously live the Gospel!

Sincerely in Christ,

Most Rev. Gregory L. Parkes

Bishop of St. Petersburg

Click here to view the Diocese of St. Petersburg 2021 Annual Report and financial statements.